what a filthy bastards, that jury, the boys are the only ones to have the room ready, but there was already laughing when the door wasn’t even completely open. well a pity for them, their babies of 4 cheated.
It’s a disgrace . The boys room was nice their bathroom was nice compared to apartment 1. The bathroom in apartment 1 was awful not finished was bad enough. But terracotta! it was enough to make you sick. No walk in, in apartment 1 or 2 . Just silly child like robs . The boys was a great walk in robe . Judging is off the wall.
mike regtop
5 years ago
Shame that the judges destructive comments are ruining the show for so many people.
I don’t know where the Judges are at. A walk in sells houses not spare room wardrobes like in Apartment 1 and 2 . Come Auction Day I think it’s going to be a disaster . They will all need to step up their game
bernadette black
5 years ago
OMG I am not normally the type of person who judges a person. But Lisa is so nasty I don’t think she realizes it . I don’t care who wins , Just enjoying the show is enough. Just the actions , comments , body language, and sneering of Lisa is upsetting me. She may think she is a hot stylist, but sorry to say she still has so much to learn. My daughter and husband have stopped watching the show they can’t stand her antics . So come on apartments 1, 3, and 4 . It’s still all to play… Read more »
Annemi du Plessis
4 years ago
Only now started watching The Block NZ – I agree the judges comments about the boys where just nasty and their score even more so. A bit disappointed in the apartment 4 team but I have a question (a year late I know) – what about Team Black getting away with cheating or who’s electrician was it not finishing and hiding in he closet to finish but Mark took their word for it when they said they were asleep and did not know their tradies were on site – bull! Why weren’t they punished they should not have walked away… Read more »
what a filthy bastards, that jury, the boys are the only ones to have the room ready, but there was already laughing when the door wasn’t even completely open. well a pity for them, their babies of 4 cheated.
It’s a disgrace . The boys room was nice their bathroom was nice compared to apartment 1. The bathroom in apartment 1 was awful not finished was bad enough. But terracotta! it was enough to make you sick. No walk in, in apartment 1 or 2 . Just silly child like robs . The boys was a great walk in robe . Judging is off the wall.
Shame that the judges destructive comments are ruining the show for so many people.
I don’t know where the Judges are at. A walk in sells houses not spare room wardrobes like in Apartment 1 and 2 . Come Auction Day I think it’s going to be a disaster . They will all need to step up their game
OMG I am not normally the type of person who judges a person. But Lisa is so nasty I don’t think she realizes it . I don’t care who wins , Just enjoying the show is enough. Just the actions , comments , body language, and sneering of Lisa is upsetting me. She may think she is a hot stylist, but sorry to say she still has so much to learn. My daughter and husband have stopped watching the show they can’t stand her antics . So come on apartments 1, 3, and 4 . It’s still all to play… Read more »
Only now started watching The Block NZ – I agree the judges comments about the boys where just nasty and their score even more so. A bit disappointed in the apartment 4 team but I have a question (a year late I know) – what about Team Black getting away with cheating or who’s electrician was it not finishing and hiding in he closet to finish but Mark took their word for it when they said they were asleep and did not know their tradies were on site – bull! Why weren’t they punished they should not have walked away… Read more »