Frequently Asked Questions
I wanted to watch a video but it appears to be down/not working?
Please leave a comment/message describing the issue and we will do our best to correct the problem.
Is it possible to download my favourite videos?
Unfortunately this is not possible. However it is possible to watch SouthHemiTV on a TV by using a laptop/tablet with a hdmi output. Just connect the device to the TV via a hdmi cable.
Some smart TVs have browsers which can be used to watch videos also.
When i play a video there is no sound/audio?
Some web browsers by default disable audio of videos. This can be solved by changing to a different web browser.
Alternatively (with chrome as the example) click on the padlock in the address bar > Site Settings. Scroll down to “Audio” and select “allow” (This only has to be done once).
Is this site trustworthy/safe?
The site is 100% safe. The privacy and security of users is given the utmost importance. For any further questions on this topic please do not hesitate to contact us..
Can I create an avatar (add my photo) for the comment section?
You will need to first create an account with Any avatar created can be used with this site and with many other sites.
Do you have any plans to post previous seasons of my favourite show?
If there is sufficient demand for a particular show then we will definitely look into it
I love SouthHemiTV!!
Why is there nothing new on at the moment, only one new bachelor’s episode, nothing else this week, I love you site and miss my go to programs
I am in the USA. I watch more south hemisphere tv than any shows here. The day I found you literally changed my life. I watch shows we don’t have like the Block and My Kitchen Rules. I am hoping you will post Gordon Ramsey Food Stars. I watched the American series and enjoyed it! Thanks for great tv! Happy New Year!
I can’t get chrome cast to come up as option anymore ?
Me either! So annoying
Will this be resolved?
To get the show to “cast” download the Google HOME app. Open SouthHemiTV to the episode you want to watch, start play. Go to Google Home, Open it, choose cast my screen and then back to the window with the episode playing. You will now see it on your Chromecast tv screen
Does South Hemi TV have a TV app
why have Aussie Gold hunters & Opal hunters stop loading new shows
Any plans to show season 6 of Lego masters? Just finished season 5 and can’t wait for more!
Why has AirPlay been blocked or removed?
For some reason shows aren’t
Playing i just get a pic.i love this site,never had an issue beforeworking On Phone Not Tv
Chrome cast button doesn’t seem to work anymore, was fine up untill about a week or 2 ago… Quite annoying
Southhemitv videos of aussie gold hunters show to be linked to a russian website (click on the symbol in the right hand top corner of the video).
Are those videos streamed from a Russian website?
And is this safe?
Just wondering why there have been no new videos from the 13 of December