Episode 9-6
Views: 13958
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The first dinner party of the season. All the couples get to meet for the first time and one groom gets thrown under the bus. First Broadcast: Mon, Feb 7, 2022
Views: 13958
Video Description
The first dinner party of the season. All the couples get to meet for the first time and one groom gets thrown under the bus. First Broadcast: Mon, Feb 7, 2022
Anthony need to run and very fast …
Absolutely! She didn’t care what she said or how it would affect him. And she conveniently left out everything she did/said to him.
We are seeing this over in the UK seems very one sided this whole Seline business. She was very rude to him.
Oh Selin is awful.
Poor guy, he is open and trying
and she is a cruel, awful, manly and rude woman…
I’m wondering if you will be adding the new season of Married at first sight NZ?
this show is incredible. the drama is outstanding and I am fully here for it
Selin and Ella look like hookers in those dresses
hahahah omg yes. So not flattering
Ha, Ha, Ha!!!! Love this comment. We are watching this in the U.K. Al is comical if not immature.
And this is why Selin will be single for rest of her life huh
She was very wrong to act so catty. Anthony is right, this is a personal thing to be discussed in private. And the woman would not shut up. I would have excused myself. He didn’t leave, Selene, you chased him away. He escaped to preserve his sanity.
Bec… Sorry Selin is horrible selfish person!
Al’s shoey wasn’t very classy but he most certainly broke the tension in that room caused by Selin and the girls toward Anthony.
I think Selin needs to get over her 1st husband cheating on her. At this point I do not blame him. Because Anthony “left her” one day early she is punishing him for her 1st husband’s cheat! Just my opinion. Anthony is to good for her. She needs to work on herself
How dare Selin talk about how Anthony acted, when she berated and ridiculed him, calling him a “princess” when he dared to be vulnerable and show his sensitive side to her, and telling her what he’s feeling, in a bid to patch up their relationship.
Yes! She does not deserve him!
He is absolutely too good for her!
What a cruel, nasty, manly girl with no feelings whatsoever….
Selina probably has a boyfriend at home like Bec did last year. Think about it…Why as a single parent, looking for a husband and a stepfather to yr child, would she be so obstinate to not want to move forward., when she in the wrong as well?B/C she’s not really here for a spouse, she has someone at home.
Selin left her part out and the rude snarky comments at him who tried to be a perfect gentleman! It’s rare to find such men. I hope everyone finds out the truth about what really happened. Can’t stand Selin at all!
Celine is a B****. Poor Anthony 🙁 she doesn’t even listen 🙁 I would’ve left too