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2 years ago

It’s obvious why Selin has been single for as long as she has. She takes no blmae for her own actions in what led to Anthony leaving in the first place. It’s all you did this and you did that and no apology is forthcoming from her.

Anne Elsa Ewert
Anne Elsa Ewert
2 years ago
Reply to  YVONNE

selin is a bitch.

2 years ago


10 months ago
Reply to  YVONNE

Doesn’t she remember saying that he was less of a man for being sensitive, calling him princess, and everything else she did to put him down? She’s totally oblivious to how she behaves. No big surprise that she’s single, I wouldn’t want to be with her if I were a prospective partner. She’s self centered as can be, and totally without empathy for anyone else. A pretty face, but with no character to back it up.

2 years ago

Period sex is a HELL NO. Bloody gross (pun intended) and messy as heck.

10 months ago
Reply to  YVONNE

I think it’s pushy and presumptuous for her to insist that he should be having sex with her while she’s on her period. Just because she’s comfortable with it doesn’t mean that he has to be, and he’s obviously not. She’s being rude and unpleasant, and if I were him I wouldn’t want to touch her with a ten foot pole, unless it was to keep her away and stop her from trying to belittle me. “You wouldn’t know what to do”! What a nerve!

2 years ago

poor andrew. he is such a good communicator. she can literally never take accountability or see things from a single perspective other than her own. he deserves better.

2 years ago
Reply to  Juliet

*Anthony^ lol

Anne Elsa Ewert
Anne Elsa Ewert
2 years ago
Reply to  Juliet


2 years ago

I also love selina she is great

2 years ago

Selin is a bully and she knows this. That’s why it’s done without the camera around. Poor Andrew

2 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

*Anthony^ lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Babe

It’s probably a auto-correct on people’s phones that is causing this.

2 years ago
Reply to  Babe

Anthony lol

2 years ago

It’s nice to see a guy vulnerable and for the women in this discussion to appreciate that. Yes, he shouldn’t have left the honeymoon a day earlier, but Selin’s bully like behaviour has seen her take no responsibility at all. I hope the experts pull her on that behaviour and if Selin doesn’t want to take accountability or change, then you will be single my love. Looks ain’t everything if you got a pathetic personality!

2 years ago

Selin gives ‘season 8 beccy’ vibes – I wonder whom was she texting? :-/

2 years ago
Reply to  Joi

Yes, that texting was so rude. I think she is playing a “role” and cares nothing about this whole process. She’ll probably write stay so she can keep her air time. She is very unlikable, if that’s how she wants to come off, she’s doing a great job.

2 years ago

Selin is exhibiting classic narcissistic behavior. She twist words and actions and puts it all back on
Anthony. It’s no wonder the girl is still single. It’s embarrassing to watch her and she doesn’t deserve Anthony. Wish she had been paired with the Texan, she needs to hear some brutal honesty.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deb

Paired with the Texan! Loooool that would be sooo deserving!! For them both!!

2 years ago

How many more times can Anthony apologise for leaving the honeymoon a day early? The only reason why he left early is because she treated him like crap, calling him a princess, asking if he is going to boo hoo in front of the cameras, because he was trying to share his emotions with her, and being a gentleman. There’s only so much a man can take! She’s willfully ignorant to her part in his leaving. She used this task as a tool for manipulation and just tearing him down even more. Selin is a pretty girl, but the psycho… Read more »

2 years ago

What is so sad about this show, is the from the seasons I have seen (not all) I have never seen and a black couple on this show. Really?? In all of Australia, a black female and male have never applied for this show? So when they finally cast a minority (Asian-Selina) on this show, they can even couple her up with a male Asian counterpart? Unions on this show are hard enough to materialize, let alone a female having to deal with her caucasian male-Cody partner having a sub-conscious stereotype preference that he can’t even make it to first… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Dev

I totally agree! Thanks for calling it out! I think in season 1 they had a female (or is it NZ?) with a Caucasian. Diversity is the buzz word so they condescendingly starts with an Asian! LOL . Sometimes the applicants may say it doesn’t matter or the Asian wants a Caucasian! Maybe the black couples have their acts together and not willing to deal with the drama. Also I knew it would not happen when I saw them bring same sex couples three times !!! These couples were ALL CAUCASIANS !! It is what it is ! No effort… Read more »

2 years ago

What is so sad about this show, is from the seasons I have seen (not all) I have never seen and a black couple on this show. Really?? In all of Australia, a black female and male have never applied for this show? So when they finally cast a minority (Asian-Selina) on this show, they can’t even couple her up with a male Asian counterpart? Unions on this show are hard enough to materialize, let alone a female having to deal with her caucasian male-Cody partner having a sub-conscious stereotype preferences so strong that he can’t even make it to… Read more »

2 years ago

Dang I feel really bad for Selina.

2 years ago

What does Domenica expect?!?
She puts this bizzare mask at night (with some red light on) and she wants intimacy?!??!
This is f… scary and non-romantic at all!

10 months ago

Selin! You are a rude, dismissive, thoughtless bitch. You’re supposed to be listening to his audition tape, and yet you’re texting away to God knows who, with not a thought for what he is saying. Could you make it any more clear that you don’t give a damn about him or anything he says? You’re a nasty piece of work and you deserve to be alone.

10 months ago

Why does Cody always look so damned scruffy? Selina is a beautiful young woman and he should be glad to have been paired up with her, but for her race to be an issue is ridiculous.

6 months ago

I don’t understand why they’re always trying to make it work after a partner says they aren’t attracted to them. It’s a fool’s errand and I think we should know by adulthood when a man isn’t attracted to you it isn’t a question of well what we can do it makes me roll my eyes. It isn’t always about looks but they are a big factor I genuinely don’t understand what they are thinking will happen.
