Episode 18-35
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Video Description
House Decider Challenge. With a move to the country, five couples and Scotty arrive to renovate massive homes on 10 acres, on what is the biggest and most picturesque Block ever. First Broadcast: Wed, Oct 5, 2022
Links: Wikipedia – TVDB
Can Ankur & Sharon stop their bloody moaning??? Jesus..every episode Sharon is griping about having no trade skills etc. Ankur is an accountant and can’t keep track of their money and puts blame on everyone baring themselves.SJ looked absolutely gutted that the audit came back clear for EVERYONE, especially for Omar and Oz. The only person in the wrong was her, seeing as she bought cigarettes with Scotty’s card.Finally…. why do we need to see the guys playing golf and the women getting waxed? Just get on with the premise of the show…..BUILDING AND DECORATING.
Although I think Sharyn and Ankar do complain a lot they are telling the truth this time everybody seems to have the advantage except them I mean, she’s an actress. So.
Can we get the earlier seasons of the show? Like I would like to watch like season six all stars?
You can go back to like season 12 on here. Duncan and Mark’s second time around was devastating, as Mark had a heart attack during the show and had to leave. They got a replacement to work with Duncan, but it was so difficult. Hopefully, I’m not ruining it by adding the note of a season 10ish years. ago. 🙂
They’re on Amazon Video (if you have it).
I have Amazon but unfortunately I don’t have Amazon Australia or Amazon New Zealand. So I can’t watch them there but thank you very much for acknowledging my question.
How can Omar and OZ be in the clear where are they getting money to afford all there trades. Are the trades working for free.
This is a building and renovation competition. If you don’t have the skill or talent, then don’t enter the competition. Don’t come onto a show, that you have zero knowledge and experience in, and then expect to be treated differently because you are lacking. I’m so sick of Ankur and Sharon!