Episode 10-1
Views: 21373
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Australia’s most controversial social experiment is back as 20 hopeful singles look for love by meeting and marrying a stranger at first sight. This episode includes the bucks and hens, and the first two weddings. First Broadcast: Mon, Jan 30, 2023
Her friend should have pulled her aside before the ceremony but that would’nt have made good TV as opposed to waiting until afterwards where darma may insue.
My thoughts exactly!
To be fair, she didn’t know her friend was going to be match with the guy she was warned about. But I kind of do think that part is scripted. The way the camera was watching her friend during the ceremony, the cameraman obviously knew.
Lyndell & Cameron are lovely together. Please work out.
Why would they pair Lyndall, who needs first rate medical facilities to be easily accessible, with someone who lives hundreds of miles from the nearest decent sized city (Darwin)?
Jesse is an individual… just like everyone else
I really don’t know why the Indian lady is here. There are literally thousands of Indian match makers, who are also “professional” that can arrange a marriage for her. Indian arranged marriage, as apposed to MAFS marriages, actually last until death. An arranged marriage is not a forced marriages. Everybody has to agree before it proceeds.
She doesn’t want a arranged marriage hence the reason she applied to the show, She has as much reason to be there are her non Indian counterparts.
Amen!!!!! She absolutely deserves to be there just as much as anyone else. I am so proud of her for continuing on and being a voice for a lot of young women, it’s such a beautiful thing to watch.
MAFS is an arranged marriage LOL
Why do you wonder? She can choose whatever she wants just like anyone else? Do you think all Indians should only use Indian matchmakers? Kinda racist…
That sex obsessed woman is so cringe and embarassing
No closed captions???