Episode 10-12

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The rumour mill goes into overdrive at the second Dinner Party as gossip spreads about one groom spotted with a mysterious woman. First Broadcast: Mon, Jan 30, 2023
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Men like Harrison are a dime a dozen! He’s so used to lying it is second nature to him. Watch his face and neck turn red..the tell. Shannon was called a twat by his dad at the wedding…and he is!
Love Alyssa and Duncan.
They are my favs…. Very honest n real
Dan is completely innocent. Harrison’s character is lower than a sidewinder.
i think sandy needs to be called out for her walking out like dan did anything. she has a great man there and is too stupid to see it. and i don’t want to hear about her ‘trust’ issues. she has never had a relationship. why would she have trust issues.
I don’t think she understood exactly what he was saying tbh. She just believed he was involved in something he wasn’t. poor Dan. Harrison winds me up, not only is he narcissistic towards Bronte, he’s manipulative towards everyone else. Idk if he’s tried to deflect it onto Dan.
I think dan is shady
How does Bronte not see that Harrison is a narcissist and a gaslighter?
She’s acting, that’s why she turned on a dime before the dinner party. Bronte knew about Harrison and his outside 21-year-old a month before they got married, planned to put on a fake show with her friend Jessica, then threw her under the bus.
I can’t wait to see the end of both of them, the irony is they deserve each other.
elaborate please ?
Explains why she’s suddenly so cool with Harrison getting other girls’ numbers:
Harrison is a skank for dragging Dan’s name into his lie. Why on earth Bronte would believe a word he says is beyond me! I’m just relieved that the 3 experts heard the truth and will help straighten it out at the commitment ceremony. Dan and Sandy deserve this marriage to work out!
Think Sandy hurt Dan by walking out
Shannon is a pos. How can someone say things like that to another person.
Shannon is yuuuuck!
I’m finding the video keeps hanging and stalling tonight. Is anyone else having problems with it playing?
I hope the “experts” lay into Harrison tonight. He is the biggest manipulator and narcissist I’ve ever seen play out before my eyes. Brontee looks so thirsty. She so badly wants to be married that she is willing to over look every RED FLAG the universe has thrown at her.
Girl RUN!! I hope the “experts” ask Harrison to leave the experiment. To me he is beyond salvageable at this point.
I just love Jesse! He’s so open to all his faults and is working on himself so much. Team Jesse all the way!
Why didn’t Dan call Harrison out??
sandy is an idiot.
Is anyone posting episode 13?
It will post Sunday.
Lol so weird to me Harrison didn’t say “sorry I’m married.” When the girl asked for his number. Goofball is trying to act like he did a good thing, he still lead another women on to believe he’s single. Surely Harrison & Bronte are only on here for views cos why the hell would you guys allow a narcissist to stay when that’s abuse.
Pretty sure Shannon is also lying the way they get so defensive makes me think he’s full of it. Cos why did he shush the girls then if it was apparently his cousin.
Harrison is getting a lot of slack, and rightly so, but here’s a question – why is ADAM letting Dan get dragged under the bus for this?
Why do these pretty women feel the need to blow up their lips with botox?? They look ridiculous
Is there anyone else besides me that makes me crazy that the “experts” act as if they have no idea what happen the past week with the couples?
I don’t trust dan. I believe he slimy as adam. Harrison and shannon
Bronte , caitlyn , the Asian lady and Claire are super thirsty and desperate
the Asian lady, her name is sandy. you managed to get all the white lady names
I actually think they’re referring to Janelle. Not Sandy.
Sandy is Indian, so that is Asian, Janelle is also of Asian heritage. I hope you are not getting defensive about identifying people by their heritage, that is an important part of us as individuals.
Shannon is despicable
If Caitlin is staying after all this,then by all means you deserve that pos
If Shannon has a kid with the ex he’s still in love theb why would anyone want to be in a relationship with him likevwhyyyyy
Brontee is stupid beyond believe
She deserves everything that hsppens to her