Episode 11-37

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The most anticipated gathering of the year as all the participants reunite for one final Dinner Party where unfinished business will finally be settled. First Broadcast: Sun, Apr 7, 2024
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Poor Ellie. She went from one narcissist in this show to the other. And she doesn’t even realize it yet. Nothing against her, but she’s the exact type narcissists target. Those sweet, caretaker types. She has no idea she’s just a pawn in this game of his. I guarantee she doesn’t know about how their home stay went. Or how he was pouring it on when Lauren was in hospital, or at that last commitment ceremony. Well, up until he got called out, that is. Lol But, yeah, Johnathan knew he couldn’t fool a strong woman like Lauren for very… Read more »
JohnO and Ellie are disgusting human beings. There’s no ‘poor Ellie’. When she called Lauren a F-ing B her true colors showed. She and JohnO are classless and heartless and both the lowest of the low. Total liars.
This show has to be scripted. It’s so obvious. They are all great actors!
Jono makes Jack look like an angel & that’s saying a lot. Jono the biggest piece of shit ever. Period.
Sara! The idiot, just like she said she’s not going to get it over in an hour and neither was Tim so all is the same and she’s an idiot shut the f****** up.
can someone please Punch jono in the face? like I cant..
Unbelievable….Jono is a spineless, disgusting excuse of a wet blanket, and Ellie….just as bad. Felt bad for her at first, but wow. These two turds deserve each other. Who would’ve thought that Jono would end up making Jack look like a kitten.
Ellie is such an oblivious nieve woman that it hurts to watch, wow pethetic