The Block 20-2

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Main Bathroom Week. The Blockheads get straight down to business building the main bathroom in a battle to win prizes valued at $140,000. One contestant leaves The Block for a special reason. First Broadcast: Tue, Aug 13, 2024
Links: Wikipedia – TVDB
Paige has been calling everyone rude but actually she’s been the only person rude. I’m looking forward to seeing her designs shredded by the judges. LMAO
I just thinks she feels very entitled – clearly a sign how she handles situations, avoiding her immaturity is she definitively coming off strong.
Honestly she needs to eat some humble pie
Someone, please feed her the humble pie!
honestly noticed that in the first ep with the tiles lady and she was like they’re being rude, coz they have to have an order before the next day. and then that poor Kingsman lady was so sweet and smiley the whole time and then to say she was being disrespectful was so harsh, she looked so awkward.
What is interesting is this is happening the first week. Drama already……
She is a brat, Paige is rude and really not in her element, poor husband
Agreed! She is really a piece of work but he obviously likes that… I think they said they are not married yet so there’s still time for him to run to the hills!!
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Who the F wants to sleep next to their kids, who? Who? …. like who says that? As a parent you always want to be close to your children, that’s a pretty wack comment to make Paige
I never understood people trying to escape their kids like having them is a burden! Why the heck did you have them in the first place! Paige not only wanted to be at the opposite end of the home she thought parents would sleep in an entirely separate building! Gnight my toddler cya in the morning! Yeah right!
Agreed. She is in no way mature enough to accept the fact that her childlike drawings aren’t feasible in reality. I’m going to continue with a few mote episodes, but if this new season continues the way it seems to be…I’m not interested in viewing any longer. I honestly feel that I’m watching footage from a camera placed in a daycare specializing in catering to spoiled children who aren’t equipped to face their own reality…much less provide viewers with expected block level programming