The Block 20-26

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Guest Ensuite Week. Rumours that one team haven’t been paying their trades see a body corporate called, and tempers frayed. First Broadcast: Tue, Sep 24, 2024
Links: Wikipedia – TVDB
Kylie is coming across as a right horror show!
also as much as I don’t like Grant, why did Brad get away with not being there? is it coz Kylies being a cow and didn’t let him as opposed to him just saying no I’m not going.
Maybe he was off camera or maybe they just let it go since Grant stayed back to get ahead but Brad couldn’t work ahead because he didnt have his phone or a tiler so all he really got to do was maybe clean up or sit on his hands ?
If anyone needs professional help …it’s her !!!!!! Pity the husband and kids…god knows what she is like in private…
The aggression in the keeping the phone from him in the car speaks volumes.
Its often the way with highly talented artists and creative genius. Kylie is like Vincent Van Gogh but the female version
Hahaha that’s hilarious!
I think it’s fair enough that Ricky is concerned and wants to let other contestants know, especially if it means that other trades are asking for pre contracts or may not even want to be on the block because of it, it screws others over. I think that the block finance lady who usually steps in for budgets later on should step in and pay trades for C&G coz they are shady AF. Seems like they get ghosted a lot by people or say they do. I do think that for mental health reasons, especially after Jessie and Paige, that… Read more »
I would have taken the info straight to Scotty. As much as I love Dan this bunch disrespects him way too much. Between Kristian forging signature, to over ordering, to not showing up to challenges and now not paying invoices…. Scotty needs to set them straight asap!
I hope the boys and girls knock it out of the park come auction.
The wives this year are absolute nightmares. I’m sure there’d be repercussions if the men were shouting at the women like that.
How is Brad so calm!!!! She’s a bloody nightmare!!!
Since I only watch the reveal shows, pleases keep the comments coming. Producers pay attention to the comments and change things now. I agree with the comments below, the wives are all horrible this season and their husbands are just as bad and in house 2 and 5: the husbands are cheaters and liers. Now Kyle that is a different story, she is just a really nasty person, just think how she treats her kids. Nasty
I can tell you now they’re not paying attention go comments on an illegal website LMAO the only reason we watch here is because we aren’t in aus. It’s free for us when in aus on their official website
I can not believe that Scotty has not stepped in yet to deal with the behaviour. He must be aware of what is going on.