The Block 20-48

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Front Yard Reveal. One couple is ecstatic to win a car for their front yard whilst another team member is furious. First Broadcast: Sun, Nov 3, 2024
Links: Wikipedia – TVDB
Kylie: Don’t help me with anything
Kylie: You just hope someone buys your house at the end
Why did she come back if she was gonna be even more negative than before and walk out during the judges comments.
oops she left after the scores lol
She was being so unnecessarily rude during the comments and scores. And making it about her.
Is this show a reality TV drama show now? It is a bit much started with Paige who was watched having a mental breakdown before getting help. Moved on to Kylie acting like a queen you know what throughout since. Then Kylie leaves for the 3rd time this show I think and I guess she will be bowed down to and come back again. Throughout the show the bullying has been at a level of unacceptable and the show and producers just went along with it and used it for ratings I guess. There were many times when false things… Read more »
what a stupid little drama queen that kylie has been the whole way thru this show!!! she got so angry when the judges were giving feedback instead of being mature about it and keeping her eye on the prize of selling the house! she had the cheek to say Im not staying on the show while my marriage is breaking down? SHE is the one breaking the marriage down by airing her dirty laundry!!!! we didnt have to hear all about the flirting etc she could of been an adult and discussed her marriage troubles in private? dont blame the… Read more »
Scotty shouldn’t have given Grant the 5 grand for his diy project! the rules were you had to do it right the first time but he didnt do it right the first time first he didnt check where the pipes were and broke 1 causing more work for himself and the crew and then he had some one else come drill his holes making it no longer a diy project !
You are right I forgot about the broken pipe. If Keith the head foreman was on site this year a lot of things would not have happened eg. 8 your hold up putting in house 3 tree, ordering of drywall ahead of time. Drilling holes without checking. Stealing and not sharing the dry wallers what were meant to be shared and much more. Keith’s assistant Dan has let a lot of things slide trying to be a friend to the contestants. I do think being on the island was a little harder like the country year.
i wonder if mimi we be accountable for her part in their split,
On I do think she is worried that her husband will find out the whole story he asked her to go over and talk to her good friend Kylie when she return and she DIDN’T. And then didn’t speak to each other during judging. Mimi’s husband has had enough I think when he was working in the front hard late a night and her playing a Disney character like a kid.
I think the comment I don’t Wanna know what I did when I was drunk kinda tells us what happened
Kudos to Scotty for putting Kylie in her place!! She should be disqualified for her disrespectful tantrums. She is a mother of four. Is this really the examples she wants to set for her children? Shame on you, Kylie
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If house 4 ( Brad and Kylie) leave and don’t participate in the final week of the block do they get to go to auction with their house? What if Brad stays and Kylie leaves and does not come back next week does she get a share of the money if they make ANY at auction. Remember she has threatened and walked several times already, Brad didn’t threatened are walked with her yet. The judges picked the right house this week, but I do think this house is not a holiday type house. It’s not relaxing or kid friendly. To… Read more »
I never comment but love reading them, however I feel I really need to this time. After the whole Brad and Mimi week Scotty went to Mimi to see if she was ok??? But it takes 2 and Kylie even said to Brad “I’ve warned you about her and that she had feelings for you” did anyone check on Kylie?? About if she needed someone to talk to. ill be honest if my marriage was going through cheating allegations while on the block I’d of been out of there too. I think something has definitely gone on production wise we… Read more »
Will we see Kylie confront Mimi? Will Kylie tell Mimi’s husband about what went on and will be believe her or his wife? Will these questions be answer at auction. This shows turning into daily soap opera instead of renovation show. Just hope next season it will change back to its original format that we all love.
In my opinion she’s very evil self-centred and Any woman deserves for a husband cheat sheet need to learn how to treat a husband And people in general that’s not her worldI just hope that when action time comes people remember the hate that built this house
You horrible person to speak like that ! No one woman or man deserves to be cheated on for any reason. If he didn’t want her, he knew where the door was
yes and the bullying has been from kylie!!!! to her husband to the judges and to the girls!!!
its not their fault stupid paige and hubby left and kylie was a bitch to the girls and it shows how mature the girls are far more than the green haired monster, they were the first to ask her if she was ok and then offer help to an ungrateful stupid spoilt brat! she has made this season horrible to watch and ive watched every single episode and season, there has been divas but not to this immature negative self obsessed degree
Thank you for saying this, People don’t know what she is going through. I”m sure that pissed Kylie off as well, Mimi being treated like she was assaulted, when she had a part in the betrayal, Kylie thought they were friends. Mimi has been lying this entire show, she could have said the girls were remodelers when she found out, she was going around telling all the rumors anyway. The whole thing is just sad. But I am tired of reading these villainous comments about Kylie, someone who clearly wasn’t ok. Maybe they should have a therapist for people to… Read more »
Wow Kylie. RUDE!
I have read somewhere that Klylie and Brad were having marriage problems just before they came on the show and could not get out of the contract. She DIDN’T want to be on the show. I am not making excuses for her but that could be the reason for her behaviour right from day one wanting and insisting on using black and not taking any advice from the judges or listening to Brad especially when using the penguin during judging. They could have won rooms a lot sooner but she said no when Brad wanted to. Even the other contestants… Read more »
Whatever happened before is NO excuse for her disrespectful attitude towards everyone! She is an absolute BULLY and if I were Brad I’d run for the hills, PRONTO!
yes but mate she DID come onto the block and turned it into her own mini drama self obsessed baby she doesnt listen to anyone and there is an old saying pride before the fall!!! thats her pathetic pride when hearing feedback pathetic pride when dealing with the girls pathetic pride in not handling her marriage with dignity and now the fall because she checked out 3 wks before the finish line and let the whole team and show down. can we never have another one of her next season PLEASE!! lol
Kylie is just beyond narcissistic! The girls were so nice trying offer the furniture, but Kylie is such a bad person, “ I don’t want anyone to help me” she was so cruel with her language.
Love the boys, love the girls! Both houses are great in their own way!
Kylie is such a drama queen, she creates drama just to be in front of the camera!
Do you think that Kylie came onto The Block to try to ignite a career as an artist? She mentioned that it wouldn’t be happening now. Is that why she has made so many paintings? Does she think they look great? They’re just sponge paintings.
I was thinking the same thing period I think she’s trying to use the shelf to put yourself out there but she doesn’t have the talent to be the great artist she thinks she is. Her personality is not doing her any favours
OMG! That would only confirm her level of stupidity! She is not an artist. Her “paintings’ are horrid! Not good, at all!
I think she thought it would somehow jumpstart a career for her.
LOL! I wonder how she feels about it now that she’s shown her whole ass to the world!
I agree with all the comments. Producers try so hard to add elements of drama (partly by the contestants they choose to begin with like Kylie and Mimi) but we really need to let them know we loved the show more when it was about renovating. I still blame social media- most contestants on all reality shows seem to be on just to gain followers on their social platforms. Hopefully next season there will be more sensible teams. Lastly I would have voted for the girls as favourite team but they aren’t an option, so I went with the boys.
Sorry Mike please explain why are the girls not an option?
Do you know something I don’t. If their not an option why are they on the show. Please please explain.
Wow in this episode someone shat on the show, the judges, the other contestants, scotty and the whole viewing public. And it finished with a car chase. This was the best season ever.
Is it just me or did anyone else notice we don’t have a Re-do week and we don’t have the week when they go around and mark of the mistakes that need to be corrected?
Apparently Scott Camm wont be part of next years show…maybe he has seen the writing on the wall, that this show has more than run it’s course. Worst season ever!!.It’s just become a night-time soapie and has proven that the producers don’t give a damn about the contestants mental health.
I read where they are changing locations for the next season also hopefully that will bring Keith back at least
I just did some research and it says Scott Cam and Shelley Craft would be returning for 2025- according to
Yeiiiii!!! This show would not be the same without them! I love them!!! Scotty is so nice!
I’m about to rant….. This episode left me with so many questions! Why didn’t the girls sell or return the furniture and buy more plants for their garden? And what’s up with Maddy being so desperate to get Kylie to like her? It’s actually a bit weird. I get wanting to help your fellow contestants but her behavior was just full of desperation the entire time. I get that they are nice girls, but something feels off. Then… Why did Kylie and brad decide to put all the larger plants on the side of the house and not in front?… Read more »
I’m with you on that rant! They need to vet these contestants more thoroughly, if they do any at all. Some psychological testing is in order, at least to find out if they are mentally stable, how they deal with stress, etc. And maybe only allowing alcohol on “arranged” outings, like visiting vineyards. Maybe then we could’ve done without Mrs. Purple Hair Cheater, Kristy and her nutty neighbor, and most of this lot! (Sorry, can’t remember all the names).
hahaha they WANT you to be stressed. the application form literally asks you what makes you most annoyed about your partner, what makes you stressed, how do you deal with stress, how do you annoy your partner. It is literally a cheat sheet for the producers to induce drama, and since doing the form (I didn’t hit send, I was just curious) I can now see when they are clearly using that information to get bites in the diary cams etc.
Argh! That green Grinch woman makes my stomach turn! She is sooo disgustingly rude towards everyone!!! I don’t agree with what Brad did but, she was hateful towards him -and everybody else- even before that so that is no excuse for her petulant disrespectful and self-entitled behaviour!! Brad! RUN!!! I don’t understand why the production would keep giving her screentime when she is NOT a positive image for anything/anyone nor the show. How dare she tell Scotty to “wrap it up” and then murmur that she hates him? How dare she disrespect even the audience with her thug-like attitude? She… Read more »
total agree she spent more time being mad steaming off and bullying everyone i think she forgot she was meant to complete a house, in the end she alienated everyone and mad herself look like a immature green eyed monster!
Not a fan of Kylie, she has a gigantic block sized chip on her shoulder for sure and her behaviour towards other contestants, builders, crew is an embarrassment. The only thing I would say is, I don’t think anyone should win just because they need it more or have less to begin with, but I do think that the balance of contestants is odd. I love what Courtney and her husband have done but they are obviously both established in the world of design and landscaping, she’s clearly done well enough to produce her own range of furniture for gods… Read more »