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4 months ago

kylie is such a drama queen

4 months ago

I feel bad for Kylie because of what happened but feel that she could have handled this so much better. She has thrown away so much. Her reputation, possibly her marriage, her dignity and weeks of work on the Block that may be in jeopardy now because of her actions. I don’t know what gas transpired in the past for her to make these rash decisions but I’m positive she’ll regret at least not sucking it up, finishing and dealing with all the fallout in a few weeks. Your kids and fanily. are watching.

4 months ago
Reply to  Rosemary

I can’t imagine that they will allow them to come back for auction, they have done so much damage to the show. With all the billing they have done, the way they talked about all aspects of the show and production, how they treated people, crew, contestants their husband’s and sites it’s simply unbelievable, this is a reality show turned into the worse soap opera ever seen on tv.

Joy Davis
Joy Davis
4 months ago
Reply to  Finner

What do you mean, what she has done to the show? They pushed this to the limit since the first episode. The production and Channel 9 should be ashamed of themselves for everything that went down this season with Paige, Kylie and the girls being bullied. They did nothing but lick their chops and thought of ratings and not the people involved.

4 months ago
Reply to  Joy Davis

You think this helped the ratings I heard nothing but discussed, it turned a lot of viewers off the show. Read the comments a lot of view have stated they stopped watching and turned to just reading the comments listed here. If they shut down the show there would be no comments to make. I even think Scotty is discussed with the show this year, he has no tolerance for the behaviour at all. Scotty if not his happy fun loving self this year, I can’t believe I’m the only one that can see it.

4 months ago
Reply to  Rosemary

God no! I feel bad for Brad! She treats him -and everyone else- like trash! Ughh!!! Thank god they are gone! No need for such negative energy there!

Poor kids, I feel for them as her influence is ruining their development as healthy and happy human beings!

4 months ago

Sorry but if foreman Keith was on board this year a lot of things would not have aloud to taken place. This is the second week that house (3 the boys house) was a load by New Foreman Dan to take precious time away from another time. Last week 8 hours from house 4 this week from house 1. Dan didn’t seem to care less in both cases the boys got all the time without anything given to the other 2 teams to even the playing field if this is the way Dan is going to be foreman don’t bring… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Finner

Sorry again for typos put the screen when typing keeps doing out and can’t see what has been typed because I’m watching on a very small tablets, not on smart tv or computer but a small tablet so please don’t shoot me, you know who.

Sharon Halonen
Sharon Halonen
4 months ago

I feel bad for what her husband dd but the way she’s behavior started long before that event. With her comments I don’t think she was there for the money I think she thought she was going to be the next big arist. I do feel better for her husband who worked his ass off and for her kids you have to be embarrassed by their mother.
I’m pretty sure that her husband gets sick of being treated like a dog

4 months ago

I kinda feel bad for Kylie only on the part that her husband clearly cheated on her with Mimi, and when Mimi’s husband finds out everything he should leave her! Mimi has done absolutely nothing but drink and get drunk this season. Other than that I don’t feel bad for Kylie one bit she is rude, self centered, belittling and a bully, who will create drama for the camera time.

4 months ago
Reply to  Dee

Frankly, it doesn’t surprise me that Brad would have cheated -in any way-! Any man would if their partner treated them like she does!
She is horrible!!!

Joan Leacock
Joan Leacock
4 months ago

Whoever does the sound tracks to the programme are ACE!!!

3 months ago
Reply to  Joan Leacock

They are the the unsung stars! (no pun intended)

4 months ago

Did anyone catch what Mimi was saying to Courtney ( I hope i spelled her name right) at the very end of the show? I couldn’t make it out but it seem like she was confessing her part of why they left (house 4). Please post if you can figure out the conversation.

4 months ago

The Block is such a challenging reality tv series. It’s not for the faint hearted or negative minded people. Also, it helps to have some kind of reno experience and clear deco style, coz the series is just going to get more and more challenging as years pass. So saying that, people like Piage and Kylie are definitely going to have a hard time on the series. They are so lucky to have understanding and patient husbands. I’m not saying Brad is totally innocent, but I feel like subconciously he maybe is stuck with Kylie bcoz of their big family… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Tilo

Sometimes divorce is better for the kids, then to watch they father be abused all the time. Just saying.

3 months ago
Reply to  Melissa

I was so relieved when my parents divorced! My childhood was much better after that.

4 months ago

Also, I really hate the bullying that goes on the series. Courtney and Kylie have big influence over other couples, and as such negative mindset would easily spread to others. They really should be ashamed and hopefully watching the series woukd make them reflect on themselves.

4 months ago
Reply to  Tilo

I I just don’t think it’s the woman that were bullied the men All the men had at one billing towards their own and also as a wolf pack.

4 months ago

Kylie is a major piece of work to be sure, but to me the real villain is lazy alcoholic Mimi. I was warming to the boys but their complete disrespect for the girls is infuriating. Really didn’t enjoy Dan either. He’s gotten too big for his britches, and as others have pointed out, he only seems (fake) happy when he’s doing his $pon$or$hip$. We want Keith back! As a non- Aussie I’m unfamiliar with the geography, but I read somewhere next season will be filmed in another hard to reach area, which means no public opens etc. Really hope producers… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Mike

Why not both?

Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith
4 months ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if Kylie and Brad showed up for the auction. They spent a long time building that house and there’s profit to be made and I’m sure that they want it. Mimi is noticeably more quiet, the guilt is eating her up.
