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Video Description The Final Dinner Party. The last group get together before Final Vows comes to a dramatic conclusion. First Broadcast: Wed, Mar 26, 2025
Thank you for uploading these videos for everyone!
3 days ago
Why is there such condemnation for Paul but no one cared that Jamie went? I would be curious who else I was matched with, even if I knew that I ultimately wanted the partner that was chosen for me. Terrible task to give to the couples, some of whom have more curiosity than others.
They even used the words “Grass is greener”. To anyone who thought that they were in a great relationship and partnership, their spouse, choosing to go on a date is a slap in the face. This is early on in the relationship. Feelings should be strong now. If you feel that you yourself, would have chosen to meet the other person, it just means that you probably weren’t ready, or that your relationship was seriously flawed. Or perhaps you have never been in a situation where you know you are absolutely in the best place with absolutely the best person… Read more »
I struggled with this too! initially i thought it was a huge double standard but i think it’s more neuanced than that. The level of emotional intelligence is vastly different for the two.
1) Jamie and Dave were secure in their relationship. Paul and Carina were not.
2) Jamie didn’t bother dressing up to attract her date. Paul pulled out all the stops.
3) Paul knows that Carina was insecure and would not approve. Jamie knew that Dave wouldn’t care.
This last point! I think it fully relies on this point. Carina has voiced multiple times her insecuries of being with other women so him not thinking about her in that aspect is what makes him to blame for
Not enough outrage and pointless finger pointing/stabbing caused.
Molly B.
3 days ago
Adrian looks like a stupld pleather couch
Molly B.
3 days ago
The faster Paul talks and the more words he uses, the more he lies. Every time he uses the word “genuinely” or “honestly,” my BS meter flies off the charts.
On the other hand though, you have Corina talking about her values and morals. Where are those virtuous qualities when she is telling the world that she slept with a rap star? Not defending Paul…just *rolling eyes* at the ridiculousness but it does make for entertaining tv!
Molly B.
3 days ago
Jacqui has Michael Jackson’s nose and a crocodile’s tears lol
3 days ago
Jacquie is so delusional.
2 days ago
interesting the villains from the beginning episodes are often different by the end. Paul is simply not to be trusted. Adrian doesn’t know how to respect women either. Jacqui needs a whole bunch of help- and meds. Did you catch Ryan’s comment about how gorgeous she looked? Her response? “I know”.
The so-called experts don’t add much, and certainly three is overkill, it’s the casting that does such a good job finding people we love to complain about and/or enjoy watching. Another season almost done.
2 days ago
ixperts are delusional in congratulating themselves on a match working that the contestants? had previously found themselves too.. Some researchers on this programme
1 day ago
When is the next episode on
21 hours ago
11 hours ago
I cringe every time Adrian opens his mouth, speaks a word, I just cringe
What happened to 12-36?!
Apologies for the confusion. This is episode 36.
Thank you for uploading these videos for everyone!
Why is there such condemnation for Paul but no one cared that Jamie went? I would be curious who else I was matched with, even if I knew that I ultimately wanted the partner that was chosen for me. Terrible task to give to the couples, some of whom have more curiosity than others.
They even used the words “Grass is greener”. To anyone who thought that they were in a great relationship and partnership, their spouse, choosing to go on a date is a slap in the face. This is early on in the relationship. Feelings should be strong now. If you feel that you yourself, would have chosen to meet the other person, it just means that you probably weren’t ready, or that your relationship was seriously flawed. Or perhaps you have never been in a situation where you know you are absolutely in the best place with absolutely the best person… Read more »
I struggled with this too! initially i thought it was a huge double standard but i think it’s more neuanced than that. The level of emotional intelligence is vastly different for the two.
1) Jamie and Dave were secure in their relationship. Paul and Carina were not.
2) Jamie didn’t bother dressing up to attract her date. Paul pulled out all the stops.
3) Paul knows that Carina was insecure and would not approve. Jamie knew that Dave wouldn’t care.
This last point! I think it fully relies on this point. Carina has voiced multiple times her insecuries of being with other women so him not thinking about her in that aspect is what makes him to blame for
my poor dear Paul
What happened to the honesty boxes?
Not enough outrage and pointless finger pointing/stabbing caused.
Adrian looks like a stupld pleather couch
The faster Paul talks and the more words he uses, the more he lies. Every time he uses the word “genuinely” or “honestly,” my BS meter flies off the charts.
I kept thinking about what he said about Corina being a snob…”it gives me the icks”! Now who’s giving who “the icks”?
On the other hand though, you have Corina talking about her values and morals. Where are those virtuous qualities when she is telling the world that she slept with a rap star? Not defending Paul…just *rolling eyes* at the ridiculousness but it does make for entertaining tv!
Jacqui has Michael Jackson’s nose and a crocodile’s tears lol
Jacquie is so delusional.
interesting the villains from the beginning episodes are often different by the end. Paul is simply not to be trusted. Adrian doesn’t know how to respect women either. Jacqui needs a whole bunch of help- and meds. Did you catch Ryan’s comment about how gorgeous she looked? Her response? “I know”.
The so-called experts don’t add much, and certainly three is overkill, it’s the casting that does such a good job finding people we love to complain about and/or enjoy watching. Another season almost done.
ixperts are delusional in congratulating themselves on a match working that the contestants? had previously found themselves too.. Some researchers on this programme
When is the next episode on
I cringe every time Adrian opens his mouth, speaks a word, I just cringe