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1 year ago

Well, well, well, the old Leah is back. I don’t know if I agree with Leslie’s decision, but I suppose being questioned about honesty on national TV, is not cool. Cannot wait for the next episode to find out if Troy fails the audit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Charmaine

Totally agree with Leslie’s decision. Well done Leslie. I think Leah’s behaviour throughout the season truly leaves a lot to be desired.

1 year ago
Reply to  Charmaine

Never mind Leslie’s budget.I’ve been wondering how K & B have any money left? They have paid big for some of their rooms and I only remember them winning 2 rooms!

1 year ago

That was such a boss move by Leslie… I am all for it. Mic Drop… Walks off stage. LOVE IT… YES, Leslie YES

1 year ago

At all of Australia sees how she reallyis, No blaming the neighbour on this one. Not to mention they have bookkeeper to stay on top of all the money so If anything shady was going on they would know it period..

MJ in AZ
MJ in AZ
1 year ago

Eliza pretending to paint while Leslie rants is hysterical. Her and Lib are like an old-time comedy team.

So sad for Steph and Gian as they both, ironically, lost their Grandads.

1 year ago
Reply to  MJ in AZ

Love the girls, they’re soo funny. Eliza standing there in her long coat stabbing at the fence

1 year ago
Reply to  MJ in AZ


1 year ago

Loving Leslie’s move. I would’ve done the same myself! You can’t badger someone relentlessly, and call into question their budget/deal and then expect them to do you a favour! It’s pure and simple jealously that Leslie thought to do it and Leah didn’t, now its just sour grapes. If anything dodgy was going on, the production team will pull Leslie and Troy up about it. Can’t wait for the next chapter! Team Leslie

1 year ago

That was class! Zero sympathy for Leah. They probably will fail the audit because the accounts don’t look like they add up but, my god, Leah just could not let it go. That thing that Ash does where he sucks in his teeth or lips or whatever makes me want to scream! Ha! They are so supremely arrogant. Kristy is an awful human being but at least she seems to own it, which is disturbing but honest, in a way?!?

1 year ago

IMO, Leah should have waited for Scotty Cam, let him call Leslie out IF there was any dodgy deal being done. But, I also agree with Leah in that everyone has to play by the same rules, it’s a competition and how fair is it if someone isn’t playing by the same rules. Must say tho, Kyle, Leslie and Troy truly had guilty faces, like getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar kinda look. I hope that house 1 is playing the game fairly and if they are it will be Leah who will then be taking a… Read more »

1 year ago

The show broadcasts for 51 minutes. I can’t stand that 36 minutes this week was Leah talking. That left 15 minutes for all the other teams to be on screen. I am tired of Leah and Ash on screen. Please show more of the other teams and less of Leah and Ash

Joan Leacock
Joan Leacock
1 year ago

I love the drama!! Interesting how Kirsty KNEW all she had to do was wait for Leah to show her true colours.I truly hope Leslie and Hubby WIN the car. I will laugh so much…..

Andreia Costa
Andreia Costa
1 year ago

oh my GOD, Leah is gettingo on my nervs…..

1 year ago

I was beginning to believe in Leah’s better behavior and then she ruins it. If she had watched previous Block episodes then she would know no one gets away with dodgy bills. Leslie pulled a boss move on Leah’s meddling and she deserved it. LOL
