Teams of two from across Australia prepare three-course meals and then score each others dishes.
Celebrity chefs Pete Evans and Manu Feildel will also help judge the meals. Low-scoring teams are eliminated throughout the competition with the eventual winning pair receiving a $250,000 cash prize.
grrrrr…..I got addicted to this show while visiting my daughter in Australia. Isn’t there some way the shows can be posted sooner then they are???? I am patiently waiting for Josh and Austin and Piper and Veronica!!!!!
Oh don’t really want to see any of them fail and I am beginning to have a little soft spot for the boys. It’s just the anticipation and trying to stay away from the FB groups and my daughter in Australia till I see the show!! Someone on one the groups mentioned that perhaps Josh bordered on “Aspergers” and it made me take a different look at him.
Im emitional wreck thinking about it jodie n her hubby r great but so r sal n lynn i think piper n veronica shudve really listened to josh n austin well done lads theres too many strong personalities im loving it
I think the episodes are posted pretty quickly on this site. I find that l can usually watch the show the same evening that it goes out in Australia, the time difference means l can watch the show 7 pm in the UK on the same day. This far faster than subscription streaming site and means l can join in the post show banter and l am not be afraid to read my FaceBook page for fear of finding out results before l have watched the show.
Come matt&luke to win the grand final but i reckon ibby n rommel will win im behind them all
5 years ago
How predictable………..I’m quite sure the winners were chosen well before the actual cooking commenced!
viji puliyur-doherty
5 years ago
When does it view on UK network and on what channel this year?
Kellie Hart
5 years ago
I live in Kent England I am on episode 4 and the two home schooled brothers are so vile I refuse to watch any more or the series so disappointed that you think this is good tv absolutely shocking
5 years ago
That one looks like man dressed as girl so of course most people think trans or man really, when act and look like man what do expect sigh, lol episode 12 season ,10. (Karalina believe it called.)
Gillian Scott
5 years ago
Watching mkr aus series 10 i cant believe the arrogance and nasty boys josh and austin
grrrrr…..I got addicted to this show while visiting my daughter in Australia. Isn’t there some way the shows can be posted sooner then they are???? I am patiently waiting for Josh and Austin and Piper and Veronica!!!!!
Me too i want to see josh n austin to fall on their faces n get there just deserts !!!
Oh don’t really want to see any of them fail and I am beginning to have a little soft spot for the boys. It’s just the anticipation and trying to stay away from the FB groups and my daughter in Australia till I see the show!! Someone on one the groups mentioned that perhaps Josh bordered on “Aspergers” and it made me take a different look at him.
The next one is going to be real tough!!
Im emitional wreck thinking about it jodie n her hubby r great but so r sal n lynn i think piper n veronica shudve really listened to josh n austin well done lads theres too many strong personalities im loving it
I think the episodes are posted pretty quickly on this site. I find that l can usually watch the show the same evening that it goes out in Australia, the time difference means l can watch the show 7 pm in the UK on the same day. This far faster than subscription streaming site and means l can join in the post show banter and l am not be afraid to read my FaceBook page for fear of finding out results before l have watched the show.
It aint aired on uk tv yet is it im in uk n i rely on this site to watch it
Thanks soo much for posting the show! I’m watching you from Ireland and I’d be lost if it wasn’t for you!! Thanks a million!!!!!!!
Hello can’t wait I follow MKR from the first time and still watching with love from Belgium xxx greetings Belinda
Could that spoon Victor be any more annoying? Just because he’s waxing that yanks ass he’s all full of himself
Thank you so much for posting the videos… I want to see the ultimate instant restaurant of Veronica & Piper!!
Why isn’t episode 46 available???
I’ve noticed a few episodes won’t play either. Anyone have any solutions?
I’m dying here waiting on the next episode!!
Next episode is coming Sunday.
Victor is such a spoiled man baby.
Come matt&luke to win the grand final but i reckon ibby n rommel will win im behind them all
How predictable………..I’m quite sure the winners were chosen well before the actual cooking commenced!
When does it view on UK network and on what channel this year?
I live in Kent England I am on episode 4 and the two home schooled brothers are so vile I refuse to watch any more or the series so disappointed that you think this is good tv absolutely shocking
That one looks like man dressed as girl so of course most people think trans or man really, when act and look like man what do expect sigh, lol episode 12 season ,10. (Karalina believe it called.)
Watching mkr aus series 10 i cant believe the arrogance and nasty boys josh and austin