When Evelyn purses her lips, you know she’s about to end your life. LOL she missed her calling as a criminal prosecutor. Delusional Dan couldn’t stop stuttering. HAHAHA
The experts pretending they don’t know what has gone on throughout the week is laughable. You can tell they already know. I don’t believe there were butt dials – I think Rupert called on purpose without the others knowing because he was uncomfortable with the conversation around him and knowing Evelyn can hold her own, he wanted her to get the information out to Sandy. At the dinner party Dan dug a deeper hole for himself and looked like a bigger chump than before and the guys who were out with him could’ve called him out but don’t want the… Read more »
2 years ago
Love Evelin !!! Very intelligent and clever. Dan is just p…of sh….t !!
Molly B.
2 years ago
Harrison wins the award for Most Useless Contributions to a Conversation.
He strikes me as a “men’s rights” type. The only time he has attacked a guy on the show was with the cheater, and I think he came on so strong there was to get him out of the experiment because he had dirt on Harrison. Otherwise, he goes to bat for the other guys abhorrent behavior but will check all of the women when they do something similar or in a lot of cases, less severe.
2 years ago
Not sure this comes up as a blank screen where the video should be
2 years ago
Tayla is in love with herself. She is rude and elitist. She should just stay alone
Miss Terry
2 years ago
Hugo was quick to call out Dan too LOL!! Dan makes Harrison look like his understudy. Definitely a more experienced narcissist than Harrison that’s for sure. That Mr Nice Guy mask has slipped but he is very clever at flipping blame and side-stepping the issue. There are better ways of dealing with incompatibility and lack of attraction and one of them is to NOT sleep with the person who has feelings for you. I thought immature men did that! What an opportunist! Poor Sandy having to deal with that as her 1st relationship. At least she’ll learn from this and… Read more »
Haha yes that’s when the mask fell off. You could almost see red lasers shooting out of his eyes.
I guess the guys supported Sandy by not supporting Dan. Head down whenever he looked at them for support. Seems that’s the best that they can do. The 3- monkey syndrome.
They all looked good, but it was strange how they all wore bright colours but just one colour, the two duplicate reds came in last, and not involved in pre dinner drama
2 years ago
Hugo could have handled the situation a lot differently…. How she treated him about the bed situation and her attitude…..
2 years ago
I cant stand how fake this show is anymore, I miss s1-6
I truly hope so. These experts need to hold them accountable in this experiment
2 years ago
Tayla is the female version of Dan/Harrison/Adam in this poorly scripted saga.
2 years ago
Regarding Dan…it’s totally fine if a bleached blond bikini babe is his type. It’s on the experts if they didn’t choose his type for him because Sandy gets caught in the crosshairs of his disappointment. He needs to be honest about having a specific type and he is trying to convey the importance of having an active lifestyle. I have not heard Sandy once say, “Hey, let’s go to the gym together or spend some time at the beach (she can’t get in the water)”. Dan was looking for a partner to do those things with so the experts failed… Read more »
In a podcast, Evelyn said that Dan also mentioned that he did not find Sandy’s attractive because of her race. She said that got edited out of the show.
She did mention at the dinner about her going to the gym with him but he said that wouldn’t be ‘me time’ for him. He has lied so much on this episode. I would believ a thing he said and I would leave. A cheater will always be a cheater in some way but a liar will always be a liar. She can’t get in the water but he can take walking on the beach. I haven’t seen any of the couples at the beach. You said it plain…why haven’t he married one of the many hot girlfriends? Because they’ve… Read more »
No. They shouldn’t even be able to go on the show if they have been divorced. What makes them think they are going to do better than the last one. Mental abuse is the worse kind and Tayla and Dan fits right in this category
2 years ago
The experts are the worst. Dan is a tool and Sandy should have never been on this show!
watch the US version if you want to see terrible experts. They aren’t even qualified to be doing what they’re doing and leave a lot of the counseling to the PAs.
If Dan has a type, MAFS isnt the place to go to. They seem to match opposites. He hasn’t tried with the relationship at all, he’s gone all the time with me time. And why does he need to disconnect for days when he hasn’t connected?
Because he is seeing another woman. He doesn’t want to be with Sandy so he needs to stop lying. When he gets called out on something, he looks like a deer staring in front of a car. He’s too into himself. And he knows the experts will eat him alive on the next commitment ceremony and I can’t wait
MAFS Recruitment
2 years ago
I believe the moon landings, and the Loch Ness monster, but this double butt dial is one story too far. Let’s hope they don’t repeat it accidentally in the UK series……….as if lol
Disagree, my sons pocket dial me constantly so it definitely happens
2 years ago
Some of Hugo’s language wasn’t the most appropriate but he was drunk venting about how horrible his wife treats him. I would have done the exact same if I was him. Tayla treats him horribly.
It’s on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. It keeps dropping out for me as well and isn’t loading when I put in Married At First Sight. It loads when I put in Love At First Sight – which is quite weird.
2 years ago
Evelyn and Melinda are Bosses! They take no prisoners with gym shoe faced Dan.
1 year ago
I would bad mouth Tayla too what a horrible horrible person she is !
1 year ago
One part I don’t understand is Why was it wrong for Dan to say they had sex, but Sandy told Evelyn they had sex too? She knew the cameras were rolling. I’m not excusing Dan’s behavior whatsoever, but it just didn’t make sense. And Hugo dodged a bullet for sure. Tayla is ridiculous…
1 year ago
Does Dan the man know he’s not all that!!! He’s looks like his face has been flattened and he has the start of a bald patch on his head
1 year ago
13:20 You’d think an “expert” would actually know what the word “misogynistic” means.
But it goes to show, its a pretty obvious fact, the majority of the women who use that word don’t even know what it means. Goes to show their intelligence.
Expert my ass lol. Misogynistic is the wrong word dummy, its definitely disrespectful though, but not “misogynistic”.
1 year ago
Claire and all women like Claire are hypocrites. These chicks throw around the term “toxic masculinity” which is a garbage term that isn’t a real thing, and “misogynistic”, but the funny thing is, Claire’s husband is the opposite of masculine. The guy is very frail, very soft, sensitive, goofy, and turned out to be “loving”. BUT GUESS WHAT? 30min into talking to a masculine man, Claire goes outside and makes out with him. So these chicks talk all this hot talk about “toxic masculinity” and whatever, but end up making up with those same type of guys. I swear, some… Read more »
1 year ago
I’m convinced Tayla and Evelyn know each other and plotted to get on the show, marry some random dudes, pretend to put in effort in their marriages, stir drama, then do the damsel in distress act (badly) just enough to get out of their “marriages.” Either that or they were hired by producers and handed a script. I don’t understand how anyone believes those two are looking for marriage and not just followers. It’s stupid.
When Evelyn purses her lips, you know she’s about to end your life. LOL she missed her calling as a criminal prosecutor. Delusional Dan couldn’t stop stuttering. HAHAHA
If only she had put that much effort into her fake marriage.
Dan leads such an active life that his face looks like a baseball glove.
But to be honest, Hugo is right about his wife!
If I was paired with her, I would be like, you sleep on the couch with your stank attitude Biyatch.
Absolutely! He is right!
Sandy shushing Harrison is one of the greatest moments of the season. LOL she’s awesome!
Yessa! I REALLY enjoyed it!!!
The experts pretending they don’t know what has gone on throughout the week is laughable. You can tell they already know. I don’t believe there were butt dials – I think Rupert called on purpose without the others knowing because he was uncomfortable with the conversation around him and knowing Evelyn can hold her own, he wanted her to get the information out to Sandy. At the dinner party Dan dug a deeper hole for himself and looked like a bigger chump than before and the guys who were out with him could’ve called him out but don’t want the… Read more »
Love Evelin !!! Very intelligent and clever. Dan is just p…of sh….t !!
Harrison wins the award for Most Useless Contributions to a Conversation.
He strikes me as a “men’s rights” type. The only time he has attacked a guy on the show was with the cheater, and I think he came on so strong there was to get him out of the experiment because he had dirt on Harrison. Otherwise, he goes to bat for the other guys abhorrent behavior but will check all of the women when they do something similar or in a lot of cases, less severe.
Not sure this comes up as a blank screen where the video should be
Tayla is in love with herself. She is rude and elitist. She should just stay alone
Hugo was quick to call out Dan too LOL!! Dan makes Harrison look like his understudy. Definitely a more experienced narcissist than Harrison that’s for sure. That Mr Nice Guy mask has slipped but he is very clever at flipping blame and side-stepping the issue. There are better ways of dealing with incompatibility and lack of attraction and one of them is to NOT sleep with the person who has feelings for you. I thought immature men did that! What an opportunist! Poor Sandy having to deal with that as her 1st relationship. At least she’ll learn from this and… Read more »
Well said. You forgot the eye squint and the death stare from Dan.
Why didn’t the guys say something??
dan’s right eye is lethal.
Lol and left one is lying.
Too funny
Haha yes that’s when the mask fell off. You could almost see red lasers shooting out of his eyes.
I guess the guys supported Sandy by not supporting Dan. Head down whenever he looked at them for support. Seems that’s the best that they can do. The 3- monkey syndrome.
They were afriad
Best dressed tonight: Claire and Alyssa.
They all looked good, but it was strange how they all wore bright colours but just one colour, the two duplicate reds came in last, and not involved in pre dinner drama
Hugo could have handled the situation a lot differently…. How she treated him about the bed situation and her attitude…..
I cant stand how fake this show is anymore, I miss s1-6
Have to agree its too fake now, lid will be lifted soon. Aitken will be exposed, hopefully.
I truly hope so. These experts need to hold them accountable in this experiment
Tayla is the female version of Dan/Harrison/Adam in this poorly scripted saga.
Regarding Dan…it’s totally fine if a bleached blond bikini babe is his type. It’s on the experts if they didn’t choose his type for him because Sandy gets caught in the crosshairs of his disappointment. He needs to be honest about having a specific type and he is trying to convey the importance of having an active lifestyle. I have not heard Sandy once say, “Hey, let’s go to the gym together or spend some time at the beach (she can’t get in the water)”. Dan was looking for a partner to do those things with so the experts failed… Read more »
In a podcast, Evelyn said that Dan also mentioned that he did not find Sandy’s attractive because of her race. She said that got edited out of the show.
Whoa!!! She’s gorgeous so that shocks me.
WOW!!! With a statement like that, he should have been banned from the show
She did mention at the dinner about her going to the gym with him but he said that wouldn’t be ‘me time’ for him. He has lied so much on this episode. I would believ a thing he said and I would leave. A cheater will always be a cheater in some way but a liar will always be a liar. She can’t get in the water but he can take walking on the beach. I haven’t seen any of the couples at the beach. You said it plain…why haven’t he married one of the many hot girlfriends? Because they’ve… Read more »
Dan is selfish. He isn’t around at all. When Sandy talks, he doesn’t listen or talks over her.
Tayla you deserved it – and some!!!
I’m honestly sick of Sandy! Why on earth would you MAFS if you have never been I a relationship before???
Cameron has never been in a relationship either. Does the same apply to him?
every season they have ppl who have never been in a relationship before..
That should stop. Because they are not legally married. This show should be called Dating At First Sight Australia.
Then after 8 or how many weeks they are in this experiment, then they should do the married thing
Is it better to go on having been in two failed ones like Dan?
No. They shouldn’t even be able to go on the show if they have been divorced. What makes them think they are going to do better than the last one. Mental abuse is the worse kind and Tayla and Dan fits right in this category
The experts are the worst. Dan is a tool and Sandy should have never been on this show!
watch the US version if you want to see terrible experts. They aren’t even qualified to be doing what they’re doing and leave a lot of the counseling to the PAs.
They are all shocking, UK as well. And liars and cheats.
UK is the worse to me
The next one is Sunday right?
Yes It’s Sunday for the next episode
If Dan has a type, MAFS isnt the place to go to. They seem to match opposites. He hasn’t tried with the relationship at all, he’s gone all the time with me time. And why does he need to disconnect for days when he hasn’t connected?
Because he is seeing another woman. He doesn’t want to be with Sandy so he needs to stop lying. When he gets called out on something, he looks like a deer staring in front of a car. He’s too into himself. And he knows the experts will eat him alive on the next commitment ceremony and I can’t wait
I believe the moon landings, and the Loch Ness monster, but this double butt dial is one story too far. Let’s hope they don’t repeat it accidentally in the UK series……….as if lol
Butt dialing is real. It can happen. Thats one reason you should not put your phone in your pockets
Disagree, my sons pocket dial me constantly so it definitely happens
Some of Hugo’s language wasn’t the most appropriate but he was drunk venting about how horrible his wife treats him. I would have done the exact same if I was him. Tayla treats him horribly.
Will episode 20 be out today?? 
I just finished watching it
How, when it hasn’t even aired yet?
Sorry meant to say episode 21!
what days are the new episodes on? it is twice a week, isn’t it? i keep getting kicked off and it is hard to get back on and find the show.
It’s on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. It keeps dropping out for me as well and isn’t loading when I put in Married At First Sight. It loads when I put in Love At First Sight – which is quite weird.
Evelyn and Melinda are Bosses! They take no prisoners with gym shoe faced Dan.
I would bad mouth Tayla too what a horrible horrible person she is !
One part I don’t understand is Why was it wrong for Dan to say they had sex, but Sandy told Evelyn they had sex too? She knew the cameras were rolling. I’m not excusing Dan’s behavior whatsoever, but it just didn’t make sense. And Hugo dodged a bullet for sure. Tayla is ridiculous…
Does Dan the man know he’s not all that!!! He’s looks like his face has been flattened and he has the start of a bald patch on his head
13:20 You’d think an “expert” would actually know what the word “misogynistic” means.
But it goes to show, its a pretty obvious fact, the majority of the women who use that word don’t even know what it means. Goes to show their intelligence.
Expert my ass lol. Misogynistic is the wrong word dummy, its definitely disrespectful though, but not “misogynistic”.
Claire and all women like Claire are hypocrites. These chicks throw around the term “toxic masculinity” which is a garbage term that isn’t a real thing, and “misogynistic”, but the funny thing is, Claire’s husband is the opposite of masculine. The guy is very frail, very soft, sensitive, goofy, and turned out to be “loving”. BUT GUESS WHAT? 30min into talking to a masculine man, Claire goes outside and makes out with him. So these chicks talk all this hot talk about “toxic masculinity” and whatever, but end up making up with those same type of guys. I swear, some… Read more »
I’m convinced Tayla and Evelyn know each other and plotted to get on the show, marry some random dudes, pretend to put in effort in their marriages, stir drama, then do the damsel in distress act (badly) just enough to get out of their “marriages.” Either that or they were hired by producers and handed a script. I don’t understand how anyone believes those two are looking for marriage and not just followers. It’s stupid.
I so want to kick Tayla in the teeth