Selling Houses 5-2
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Railway Cottage. Being close to transport has always been a big positive in real estate, but there is such a thing as being too close. Like the railway tracks being three metres away from your house! First Broadcast: Wed, Feb 8, 2012
Absolutely beautiful, I love old houses, great job! I would definitely buy that house!
I would love to buy the house but not at those prices, it wouldn’t be that high priced here, in America 400,000 dollars would buy you a mansion! I and my husband are “ common “ people, meaning here in America the common working people earn 30,000 to 70,000 thousand dollars a year ,depending on your job and hourly wage, middle class earn 80,000 to 175,000 thousand dollars a year depending upon job and most people on this level work by salary not paid by hour. With Biden thrashed our economy down the toilet most common people here are struggling… Read more »
our home is a 4bedroom, formal front parlor, formal dining room,one bath, kitchen family room, (lounge room) and kitchen informal dining area on lower level we paid 32,900 dollars back in 1991, in 2016 our credit union started doing mortgages so we brought our mortgage from mortgage company to our local credit union, interest rates we much better, anyway our house appraisal in 2016 was over 98,000 thousand dollars.