Episode 10-16

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The new couples walk into their first dinner party and are confronted by a room deeply divided by the week’s revelations. First Broadcast: Wed, Feb 22, 2023
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Adam is the consummate cheater. He’s done it so often he knows how to deliver his transgressions and cover it up. What he didn’t expect is Janelle to have a group of women who had her back and held him accountable for his wrong.
His body language says zero remorse. I’m surprised he didn’t say it was just a peck.
Then there’s Harrison he just confirmed what a true narcissist he really is. The fake deflection, for his wrongs coupled with look at me I’ve changed is textbook. Run Brontee RUN. You can’t save him.
Not defending anyone’s actions but Alyssa is a huge hypocrite. She slept with a married man for 6 months. So should Duncan just disown Alyssa?
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My point exactly. Duncan could have brought up her pass when they were in the car but he didn’t. So she has absolutely no room to talk. I’m over her and Tayla
Yes!! I was thinking the exact same thing about Alyssa! Duncan gave her such grace yet she sits there as a hypocrite judging Claire & Adam
Well said. I hope Claire and Jesse give it another chance.
I’m so surprised at Alyssa! Has she forgotten her past affair with a married man?
Exactly, she better had be careful
Alyssa seriously, you’re the last person who should be so bent out of shape over a kiss. You have a complete 3 yr relationship with a married man. Hold the phone and your hypocrisy. Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. You’re an Adam & Claire wrapped up all in one judgmental girl in the red dress.
lol. So true about Alyssa. She shouldn’t have even opened her mouth, with her ugly self. She has no room to be talking about anyone at all.
I agree.
Not the same, she was not married or in a relationship, the guy was.
Do we really think the judges don’t know what happens during the week? They always seem so shocked.
No, we do not think the judges are in the dark about what happens during the week. They do a bunch of gaslighting and then act like a deer caught in headlights. The “experts” are here for the drama. Sometimes they actually do their job but for the most part it’s a “reality show” so expect less from them and the whole show, honestly.
They know everything that is going on. They are just waiting for all of it to come out at the dinner party to see who will be honest. Then they call them out during the committment ceremony
I really hope Jesse and Claire work it out. But come on! Harrison….. I wanted to jump through my phone and punch his face! So fake! He is hiding a big secret and he is hoping this, this! Is the going to get attention OFF of him???? He is drawing attention right to himself. Adam you are sledge from the bottom of the most toxic swamp!!! Can’t wait to see what Jesse decides.
I wanted to shake Alyssa. What a hypocrite.
I am not a fan of the statement the judges made saying they only see the blame on Claire. I personally feel that she got away with loads leading up to the dinner. The judges surely must see clips during the week…Claire is seen as a victim of something she participated in. They both gaslit Jessie on another level.
But I understand why Claire told Janelle that she had nothing to worry about. But after Claire told her no, that’s when she should have answered no…but Adam and I did kiss
I agree. That could have been Claire’s time to fes up. “Hey, in a drunken stupor we did kiss but I am NOT after your guy though maybe you shouldn’t be with him either”.
I think Adam didn’t want to get caught but Claire just didn’t want to hurt anyone. I think she was genuinally remorseful.
At least Claire is owning it and showing some remorse and regret. Adam is a snake
Harrison giving advice and opinions on a fellow narcissist is kind of nauseating.
I agree. Something is about to happen with him. But at least he hasn’t kissed another man’s wife. I did the same thing Harrison did. take the guys number so they can leave me alone then delete them when I get outside. I also noticed the tension between Dan and Sandy. What could that be about? Not sure when the next episode comes out but it needs to hurry up
Next episode?
Will air on Sunday but on here Monday.
Adam is beyond redemption.
I know what Claire did was wrong but I lost a lot of respect for the women who showed their claws in this episode. I guess a lot of “First stones were cast by the sinless”…
I agree with you. Especially the holier than thou lady that had the affair with the married man. Judging Claire for the kiss with Adam? Not saying that’s right but come on, a kiss versus an affair with a married man?
Alyssa broke no vows.
, Bet Jessie is gonna stay. I hope he forgives Claire. Somebody needs to tell Harrison off.
Alyssa “The Homewrecker” talks a lot of sh!t. Duncan should rake her over the coals for her past, especially if a single kiss is deserving of Alyssa’s style of persecution.
How long does it take for these episodes to be uploaded here? I’m in the US and just got caught up on this season
I can not believe Alyssa behavior!! What would she have done if her husband couldn’t deal with her affair with a married man? So now she’s god? Judging & hating to her core!! Yes Adam is a dog but Claire is so remorseful. Smh Janelle needs to speak up for herself. She’s so hurt but laughing, talking & enjoying dinner? So is Adam, but not Jessie & Claire. Smh
Why is a kiss cheating? In the US cheating is playing the piano, or at least there are levels, and a drunk kiss is not the same as meeting together and doing it. Can you imagine if Adam knew about Alissa past? That will be brought up in the reunion.
Any idea when episode 17 is out?!
As an American, I apologize for the misplaced drama that is Alyssa. How classless and hypocritical. She just showed her hand in a BIG way.
Wasn’t Alyssa the one who had the six month affair with the married man? How can she be so indignant over the kiss that Claire and Adam had? She did a lot more than kiss the other woman’s husband. I personally think that kissing someone else’s wife or husband, especially in the early days of your marriage, is disgusting and inappropriate. In fact, it’s never OK. Plus, you have to suspect there was more than one little peck. Adam is a lying pig, but Claire wasn’t much better. She lied through her teeth to Jesse when she told him that… Read more »