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7 months ago

Not sure I am liking this. I had always thought that Big Brother Au was the best in the world; however, this hybrid of Love Island meets BB is not good. There are enough TV shows of youth without clothes making out and the best part of BB AU had always been the twists and turns it brought along with a superb production. On top of that, these kids are more interested in hooking up than in playing the game. What happened? PLEASE, after this experiment, go back to the real Big Brother! I hope it gets better but frankly,… Read more »

7 months ago

I don’t hate it but I don’t think I love it. I am enjoying it but I do miss the old Big Brother and want them to go back to that. I don’t blame them for doing a theme season like this since these type of shows are a hit but it does take away some of the things that make Big Brother unique and special. I am interested to see what is going to happen on this season and if there is some game play and alliances that form which I think Australia is still learning how to do.… Read more »

8 days ago

I can see why this season had the lowest ratings. It’s too bad they chose to make it a match making season because now BB’s been dropped for 2024. I hope it makes a come back with an old school format next year! I love this show.
