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21 days ago

Broke my heart to see Maddy breakdown. I am hoping that the other contestants realise how damaging their attitude is when they watch this! Shocking behaviour by so called adults!

Julie mortimer
Julie mortimer
21 days ago

I think the whole group should be ashamed of themselves the way they are treating those young girls, it’s shameful just like the bullies you steer your children away from I’m sure their parents will be ashamed too, I think the block should step in, so much for the contestants mental health

21 days ago
Reply to  Julie mortimer

I can not understand why no one is doing anything about this. We had 2 contestants leave due to concerns over mental health and look at what they are doing to these 2 young girls. Its wrong and something should be done.

9 days ago
Reply to  Brian

it isnt Scotty’s or productions responsibility to manage their social interactions. I hate the way they are treating the girls too but they are all adults and if the other contestants want to be bitter toward the girls because they aren’t the original team that is on them . Honestly they weren’t very nice to start with they aren’t even nice to the people they claim to like its just not a good mix of contestants this year, to many petty snotty women, Kristian and Brad are total push overs, and Grant is as bad if not worse then Kylie… Read more »

21 days ago

Sounds to me, there are a bunch of jealous teams. Go girls go. I used to like the boys, not so much now. I have stopped watching but love to read the comments here, keep them coming. WONDER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SOMEONE TREATING THEY KIDS LIKE THEY ARE TREATING THE GIRLR. Grow up. Especially the green haired MONSTER

Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith
21 days ago
Reply to  Melissa

The green haired MONSTER enjoys being a MONSTER because she controls her minion of a husband and the other contestants has become her minions. Sadly the boys are taking part of this disgusting behavior.

Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith
21 days ago

I’m not surprised that the women and their weak/minion of husbands are unfairly treating the girls badly. What surprised me is how my favorite( now former favorite) boys has jumped on the negative bandwagon. I’m definitely rooting for the girls to stay strong and it would be amazing if they win the block.

21 days ago

I didn’t see much of any actual work getting done. But house 5 cant mentally recover after putting that green oven in. Yes it was bad. What about having to cook on it everyday on the show knowing it has probably lost you the block. House 3 Hayden is being a sore loser. Exorcism likely to be required on house 4.

20 days ago

I don’t understand why they are BULLYING the girls, a team left for their own reasons and the girls were brought in to replace them, how is that their fault? Scotti should throw off house 3 as an example that The Block will not tolerate this behaviour, heathy competition is one thing, but this is exclusion. I hope the girls win every room and make a fortune at auction. You should be ashamed and I think they will come to regret their bullying when Australia gives them some of their own medicine. Oh and Hayden’s wife needs to keep her… Read more »

Vonnie W
Vonnie W
20 days ago
Reply to  Lesley

The fact Scottie mentioned the slight from house 4 bit didn’t pull them up on their behaviour speaks volumes for how the show has evolved over the years. It’s all fair and well mentioning the original house 1 team left for their mental wellbeing yet the producers are sitting back and watching the girls be ostracised by everyone else and doing nothing about it. Also, this episode was more about drama than actual working. Less drama and more building is what the viewers want.

20 days ago
Reply to  Vonnie W

Yes I meant house 4 not house 3 should be should be thrown off, their house is ridiculous anyway.

J Thorne
J Thorne
20 days ago

House 2 bathroom shower looked like a circus tent. U G L Y Any other colour, a mild, not in your face colour of tile would have looked so much better.

20 days ago

fair dinkim mate

18 days ago

Scotty should be ashamed of himself, letting this go on.
