The Block 20-30

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Living Dining Week. Kristian is forced to go cap in hand to Maddy and Charlotte, but who will be the bigger person? First Broadcast: Tue, Oct 1, 2024
Links: Wikipedia – TVDB
Not so nice to be desperate for plasterers is it Kristian? How the tables have turned…
When he was crying, I just imagined a thought bubble “It’s just really hard. When you realize you’ve been a supreme asshole, along with your vitriolic wife, and then someone comes through with kindness which really drives that point home.”
Embarrassing for them!
It was nice to see Kristian genuinely touched by the girls kindness
yes, and to see the girls be nice too, shows they are nice people
It was nice of them but my slightly petty side wouldn’t have said yes so quickly, if at all.
Kristian touched by kindness he could’ve given initially. I wouldn’t have felt bad if the girls didn’t help. Let’s see if Kristian behavior towards the girls change or will he cower to the demands of the GRINCH.
and yet yet he didn’t apologize for stealing their plasterers their first week.
He’s not touched, he’s embarrassed by how much he showed his ass in comparison to them.
Good on the girls for putting relationships before competitions. Maybe the other teams will respect them now…maybe. Humble pie isn’t so tasty is it, Kristian?
Mimi’s little excited girl act does my head in, grow up….and I would’ve told them where they could put their plaster and sent them packing.
If I have to hear her screech one more time…
WOW! The first people Kristian seeks help for plasterers are the ones he screwed over plasterers a few weeks ago. It’s funny that he didn’t go to his nasty friends first. He’s extremely fortunate that the girls didn’t hold any grudge towards him. If I was in the girls position, Kristian wouldn’t receive any help.
Y’all! It all makes sense to me now that I see it on her back: Mimi = Me-Me We’ve all had that one friend who needs all the attention, and it can be fun, or it can be exhausting
Somebody sew her mouth shut, already.
Kylie’s styling – both for herself and her build – are stuck in the 80’s – early 90’s.
Get with the new century, girl!