Far North 1-6
Ed and Heather confront the cops, the gang check-in to a campground to lie low and Captain Jin and her crew face a devastating loss.
Read moreEd and Heather confront the cops, the gang check-in to a campground to lie low and Captain Jin and her crew face a devastating loss.
Read moreThe rescue boat finally launches successfully with much needed fresh water for the dying crew, the gang bring in the laundry and Ed and Heather do what they can to derail the drug deal.
Read moreEd and Heather collect evidence of the gang’s suspicious activity, tensions rise between the gang and the Chinese and Captain Jin makes a grim deal with Cai.
Read moreThe gang’s attempt to launch a rescue mission ends in disaster, the stranded crew face more dangerous days ahead without any drinking water and Ed and Heather make a shocking discovery.
Read moreThe stranded crew ration their remaining food and water carefully, while waiting to be rescued. Drug boss Cai arrives in New Zealand and the gang reach out to Ed for help.
Read moreKiwi couple Ed and Heather have no idea their lives are about to change when strangers arrive in the Far North. A Tongan-Australian gang land in Aotearoa for a once in a lifetime drug deal.
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